In 2006 Kondybaeva R.Zh. graduated from al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Philology, specialty “Linguistics”. She has diploma with honors. In 2008 she took master's degree at KazNU named after. al-Farabi by specialty “Language Theory” and was awarded qualification and academic degree “Master of philology". During her master's studies, she published articles on Kazakh language “Classification of illocutionary acts in modern Kazakh publications” and “Some issues of transferring communicative intention in article headlines” published in “Bulletin of KazNU” (philological series). Since 2008, she studied in the PhD program at the department of general linguistics philological Faculty, specialty “Linguistics, general psycholinguistics, bilinguistics.” In 2010, she published abstracts in the collection VI International Scientific Conference “Phonetics Today", which was organized by the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Russian Language named after. V.V. Vinogradov Moscow. From January 15 to March 15, 2010, she passed a scientific internship in accordance with the state PhD program at the University of Amsterdam Institute for Phonetic Research (Netherlands). From August 15 to October 15, 2010 scientific internship in accordance with state doctoral program PhD in Amsterdam Institute for Phonetic Research (Netherlands). In November 2011 she defended her doctoral dissertation (PhD) on the topic "Experimental phonetic analysis of word prosody in the Kazakh language". Kondybaeva R.Zh. treats work conscientiously, is respected among colleagues and students, takes an active part in public life department and faculty.


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КазНУ им. аль-Фараби

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